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DigiFarm Training / Personalities

The DigiFarm Training works by increasing Enhanced Stats based on the Personalities of your Digimon and the Leader of the DigiFarm Island.  Each Digimon on the farm can increase up to 2 stats; however, the leader only increases the stat based on his personality.  Your Digimon have a limit to the amount of Enhanced Stat Points they can obtain, the MAX limit being 100 with the ability to be distributed amongst all stats.  This relys entirely on the ABI of the Digimon.


Ability Points determine how many Enhanced Stats that can be distributed amongst the Base Stats via Training in the DigiFarm.  There can be a maximum ABI of 100, allowing for 100 seperate points to be distributed.  There is a formula for determining the MAX Enhanced Stat values a Digimon can have, as 1 ABI does not mean only 1 Enhanced Stat Point.


(ABI/2) + 50 = MAX Enhanced Stat Points


Health Points

Spirit Points

Physical Attack Power

Reduces Damage Taken

Skill Effect

Power / Efficiency

Battle Turn

Order / Evasion

Enhanced Stat Items


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